
Media & Entertainment Industries

Media and Entertainment Industry will never run out of work. It brings a good change in people’s lives from the mundane work.

The Media and entertainment solutions offer a combination of technological breakthrough and aesthetic creativity can add value to the functioning of Media and Entertainment companies. The frequent change taking place in the pattern of the distribution channel, process of delivery formats and the instruments used mandates the companies to invest in implementing the latest IT technologies. Efficient IT infrastructure is used for storage of files and information, to manage them and make it available to the masses in the form of video and audio libraries. The media business is dynamic in nature and technology plays a big role in adapting the new changes.

Adapting to new technologies will always keep the customer on top and brings the companies on a safer platform rapidly respond to the tasks in actual time.

Fitsol with its tested IT product and solution service can serve its customers of media and entertainment industry and its technology businesses in the multi-screen promotion, digital publication, video platforms, and social media domain.

Fitsol’s solution for Media & Entertainment companies help the all its users such as the filmmakers, digital graphics, game developers and content creators for television overcome the complex production challenges.

Through Cloud, you can create a video, motion graphic & visual effects with better resolution and effect. Oracle DIVA Content Storage Management diminishes the void between the proprietary applications in your process and data archives, creating a consistent content with storage management solution that safeguards smart storage and easy asset access.

The main objective while offering any IT services is to first understand the customer’s behavior and identify new, structured data about products and services with actual-time network traffic analytics at the same time discovering the usage to drive new product offerings.

With the help of Autodesk VFX software the customers can create and design awesome videos, this unique software brings the characters in the virtual world to life. The customer has the liberty to make interesting stories and videos with professional standards. The creativity continues throughout the entire process from the editing till the post-production stage.

From the demand standpoint the digital distribution agencies choose to work in a better and different way, whether it is digital asset management, combating the anti-piracy challenges or content management, Fitsol continuously endeavors to reinvent the process in which the media and entertainment companies can benefit from its services.

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